Creole Bed

Creole re-stages the oval in a significant way. The repetition of the symmetric motif grows into an ornament, which strongly reminds of Art Deco. The arches can be arranged according to your heart’s desire and re arranged along the wall in which ever way pleases: horizontally or vertically, a-symmetrical or progressively, tonal or full of contrasts.

Facts & highlights

  • Modularity through creative arrangement of the arched wall-back panels: 4 to 9 panels in 40,5 cm grid can be combined, or a max of 2 panels can be put horizontally
  • Easy fitting to walls due to a bar
  • Back panels can form decorative murals or upholstered backsfor already existing seating elements, even without the bed base
  • Bed corpus available without back part; ideal for sloping roofs or to be put in the middle of a room
  • Mattress width: 160 / 180 / 200 cm

W 129-180 frame for a 180 cm mattress RP 129-180-2 head panel
65 BOH

€5,255 gross price

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The elements and the upholstery of the product can be combined as desired. Below are just a few examples for inspiration.

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